
A time to hear about change...

Pregnant & Parenting Women

For so many women, fear of exposure of an active addiction prevents them from seeking treatment while pregnant even though these women know that drugs and alcohol may cause serious complications with pregnancy and harm to their unborn child. By offering our treatment to pregnant women specifically, we offer the mother the opportunity for a healthy birth. An infant whose mother uses alcohol and drugs during her pregnancy may be born addicted and suffer from significant developmental problems. A baby born addicted to drugs may suffer a defect known as Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). Or an infant may suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which results from alcohol exposure during pregnancy and causes brain damage and low birth weights. Studies show a strong relation between alcohol abuse by the mother during gestation and infant mortality, and at least 16.4% of cases of SIDS were associated with an actively alcoholic mother.

In early 2017, we recognized a need for a program specifically designed to address the needs of the pregnant addict. A mother in drug and alcohol treatment reduces the risks of miscarriage and restores her physical and physiological health, thus contributing to a healthy pregnancy. Here in the Pregnant and Parenting Women’s Program at Harbor House, she has access to doctors, nurses and a Clinical Treatment Team, as well as prenatal care.

Addressing the parent-child relationship during the treatment process is of the utmost importance for the recovering mother. We believe and offer a standard of care, which no longer focuses on separating a mother from her young children as she seeks treatment for her addiction. We have chosen, rather, to keep women residing with their children while they receive treatment.  During this time, she can receive parenting education. We believe that this is the best possible treatment model for Pregnant and Parenting Women. Following the birth of her child, the treating mother, through our Parenting Program, is offered assistance with housing in a sober living environment. She has access to transportation and childcare, as well as counseling sessions with a therapist. She is offered peer support from other mothers in the program and from alumni as she learns new parenting skills and tools to aid in long term recovery from addiction.


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5354 I-55 South Frontage Road East Jackson, Mississippi 39272

p: 601-371-7335
f: 601-371-3217

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