A time to begin the journey…
Medical Services
Harbor House has a medical team of licensed nurses onsite 24/7 and a licensed physician available throughout the week. During the admission process, every client will receive a full nursing and medical assessment to ensure the person is medically stable and capable of completing the residential treatment program safely. The physician will determine when a person needs to be referred for medically supervised withdrawal management at a local hospital. Hospital-based withdrawal management (detox) is only recommended for certain substances, while withdrawal from many substances is treated on site.
The medical staff handles minor illnesses and injuries, administers certain medications, and makes referrals for specialty medical, surgical and mental health services as needed. The medical department also assists clients in establishing relationships with community-based primary care medical and mental health providers as needed for when they discharge from residential services.
5354 I-55 South Frontage Road East Jackson, Mississippi 39272
p: 601-371-7335
f: 601-371-3217

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