A Time to change lives…
Make a donation today
Together, it is possible…
We need your financial support to continue to fulfill our mission. The majority of our funding is derived from governmental sources and the client population that we serve is unable to pay for care. Your gift will ensure that we continue to play a leadership role as the premier provider of community-based addiction treatment. When you support us, you affirm the work that we are doing and participate in solving a complex problem that harms our community. Help us to help men and women addicted to alcohol and drugs receive treatment and begin a new life.
Your tax deductible donation can be mailed to the address below.
Please email us at [email protected] if you’d like to be added to our e-mail distribution list. This will help you receive timely information on our programs and services, special events and fundraisers. Please contact us at (601)371-7335 for more information.
Please send donations to:
Harbor House Chemical Dependency Services
Post Office Box 2917
Jackson, MS 39207
5354 I-55 South Frontage Road East Jackson, Mississippi 39272
p: 601-371-7335
f: 601-371-3217

© 2023 - Harbor House -| Powered by Agora Eversole